
Wycombe and Stoke Mandeville CF team and contact details

Consultant: Dr Craig McDonald

CF Nurse: Nicola Penlington

Physiotherapist: Louise Waters

Physiotherapist: Lisa Lord

Dietician: Carol Clarke

Psychologist: Clare Daniel

Secretary: Deborah Cafferkey

How to contact the team
During normal working hours: Nicola Penlington, CF nurse, 07795052943, 01494 425415,Normal working hours Tuesday 9-2, Wednesday 8-5, Thursday 9-2 During the rest of the working week Dr McDonald, Consultant Mob 07834 763457. If no luck with those numbers, parents should leave a message with Deborah Cafferkey, Paediatric secretary on 01494 425125.
Outside normal working hours: Parents should contact the Paediatric Registrar on call either at Wycombe hospital (until 8pm) via 01494 425506 Stoke Mandeville Hospital (01296 315000 pager 895). The registrar can then contact Dr McDonald. When he is away, the registrar can discuss patients either with the on-call paediatrician or the CF team in Oxford. If there is a problem using the 895 pager, alternatives including calling the Stoke Mandeville Hospital switchboad (01296 315000) and asking for the on-call consultant (between 09:00 and 17:00 on pager 593) or call the ward at Stoke Mandeville direct on 01296 31 5145/5146.