
Milton Keynes CF team and contact details

Consultant: Dr Abraham Oommen

CF Nurse: Lorna Bass

Physiotherapist: Thomas Stainsby

Dietician: Jane Stanger

Psychologist: none

Secretary: Susan Rene

How to contact the team
During normal working hours: Please ring Susan Rene (Dr Oommen’s secretary) on 01908 996502 and if she is not available, leave a message. One of the other secretaries will pick the message and speak to Dr Oommen or Lorna. You may also ring Lorna Bass (work mobile 07976864251) if needed. If Dr Oommen is away, Lorna can discuss patients with the ‘consultant of the week’ or with the CF team in Oxford.
Outside normal working hours: All children have 'red box' status. Parents should contact Ward 4 (01908 996368/996369), and request review. If advice is required, parents can ring the hospital 01908 660033 and ask to bleep Paediatric registrar on call.